National Cleveland Style Polka Hall of Fame and Museum
605 East 222nd Street
Euclid, OH 44123
Phone: 216-261-3263
Toll Free: 1-800-66POLKA
Fax: 216-261-4134

Playing a unique 'upside down' Italian scale chromatic accordion, Frankie Zeitz made
his mark among Cleveland-style bandleaders. Emulating his childhood idol, Matt Hoyer,
Frankie began playing the button box at age 6 and was performing by 18. Frank teamed
up with Ernie Benedict in 1945 to form the Polkateers before organizing the Frankie
Zeitz Orchestra in 1953. Both bands appeared regularly on radio and television, recorded
for major labels including Continental and RCA, and traveled extensively in the Midwest
and on the East Coast. Moving to Southern California in 1959, Frankie became the
major exponent of Cleveland-style polkas on the West Coast. He appeared with Frank
Yankovic, Myron Floren and others, and recorded ten LP albums - five with close friend
Joe Mlakar. Frankie's trademark was the "Red Wine Polka."
Inducted in 2013
National Cleveland Style Polka Hall of Fame
Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient
1918 - 1986 © National Cleveland Style Polka Hall of Fame and Museum, 605
East 222nd Street, Euclid, OH 44123, USA.