Trustees Honor Roll
Sodja, Joe
Banjo and Guitar Virtuoso (1911)
Inducted on November 30, 1991
Never abandoning his roots in Slovenian, Cleveland-style music, Joe Sodja expanded his horizons to achieve prominence nationally among pop musicians. Discovered at age 16 by Paul Ash, Joe progressed from the Sodja Brothers' "Arcadian Melody Pilots" and local Slovenian radio prograxns on WJAY to perforrn with Ash, Fred Waring's NBC orchestra, and as a soloist on the national night club and conventional circuit. Beyond regular appearances on Heinie Martin Antoncic's WGAR programs, Joe's radio and TV career included appearances on the Arthur Godrrey and Kate Smith shows. In 1957, Joe co-starred in "The Parson and the Outlaw," a movie also featuring his banjo stylings throughout the soundtrack.